

Abdusattor Gapparovych Botirov

Associate Professor of Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan


Turgunov Nozimjon

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan


Mamatrakhimov Olmosbek Abdusalomovich

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan

Abstract: In this article, an improved planting section and the idea of improving the technological processes, energy and resource saving in cotton seed planting, and the idea that the seeder planters open a trench in the soil, the compactor compacts the bottom of the opened trench, the sled compactor compacts the upper two parts of the trench and prepares the place where the seed is placed directly for planting. and considerations are stated.

Key words: technological processes, cotton seed, working bodies, seed distributor, adjuster.