

Ranjit Kumar Valugula1, Dr.G.M.kapse2,

1Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences,

Sehore Bhopal-Indore Road, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2Research Guide, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences,

Sehore Bhopal-Indore Road, Madhya Pradesh, India.


Integrated Mass Transit Planning is a fairly new field, and integrated transportation planning is a fairly new idea. Its main goal is to come up with policies, programmes, and projects that can help reach a set of transportation goals at a low total cost to society. People from all over the world are being asked to help come up with ideas and judge them. Also, the level of uncertainty that comes with making predictions for the future is looked at, and the system’s effectiveness is regularly checked. These are the parts that go into making this plan work. The principles and practises of integrated transportation planning are talked about. The Puget Sound Regional Council asked for this to be used by urban planning groups. As part of our discussion of strategic planning, we explain about the differences and similarities between the ways transportation is planned now, as well as the analytical problems that arise when integrated transportation planning is used.

Keywords Mass Transit Planning , Integrated , transportation is moving