

Hamidova Muhayyoxon Obidovna,

Professor, Namangan State University.

E-mail: hamidova


The role of fiction in our social society is incomparable. The work of art is considered the main factor in the formation and enrichment of the human spiritual world. Especially in the narrative of today, a new worldview of a person is reflected, the color palette of the world of thought. In the story, the personality of the creator, his position in the world of creativity, methodological peculiarities are manifested by the boy-basti, the skill of which the writer has. This article reflects on the stories of Shukur Kholmirzayev “Podachi”, “Blue Sea”, “as long as it was old” and on the example of romain “The Last Station” Adib’s skill in national character lighting.

Keywords: artistry, writer’s skill, role of word art, historical reality, artistic-visual medium, writer’s skill in character creation, subject scope, universe of images, composition, artistic interpretation,. vital vocations, the attitude of the writer to conflicts, an artistic-pictorial tool.