

Toshtemirov Umarali Tulkin ugli

Associate Professor of the Department of Mining, Almalyk Branch, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, Almalyk, Uzbekistan. ORCID ID:  0000-0002-0057-4149. Email:

ABSTRACT. Enlarging the diameter of a common set of Spurs or Central Spurs (up to 60-75 mm) can make it possible to reduce the intermediate distances of the Spurs in the groove. In the process of drilling Spurs with an increased diameter, it is possible to reduce their number and the distance between Spurs due to the concentration of the charge of explosives in a relatively small amount of turbulence. The additional time spent on drilling large-diameter shpurs is compensated by the preparation-to the final processes, charging, blasting and pumping air, increasing the productivity of the cycles of deep shpurs drilling processes. The use of larger diameter Spurs in the grooves is an effective means of increasing the depth of the Spurs.

Keywords. crack, tangential voltage, tangent, corrosive shpur, explosive, crush zone radius, crack formation zone radius, explosive charge, strength coefficient, shpur use coefficient, loading, blasting, ventilation, additional open surface, shpur depth, shpur diameter, lahim, specific consumption of explosive, stopper, compensation shpuri, voltage wave.

Vol. 25 Issue 4 2022